Monday, March 31, 2014


Well it has almost been one week since sweet Miss Harper Snow came into our lives and we are undoubtedly in love with her. I now completely understand the desire to constantly share pictures of one's child or puppy or kitten because that has become my life. I take pictures of Harper all day long because she does the cutest things and I send them to Jim. Our iMessage conversation is now a play by play of Harper and her daily activities. Harper successfully pooping and peeing outside has become the highlight of our day. Jim works during the day and I work at night so we take turns watching her. She is very smart and very loving. She is still a bit insecure and we think she is scared that we will leave and never come back. That couldn't be farther from the truth and she seems to be getting that more and more every day. 

The is no question that Jim is her favorite. She follows him everywhere and looks for him when he is at work. She sits by the bathroom door when he showers and hangs on his every word. I don't mind it one bit. I love to see how much she loves him because I totally get it. He has already taught her to sit and fetch and even cooks her fancy chicken thighs while I'm at work. I know she loves me but I also know she loves Jim more. She is doing so well with potty training and tells us she needs to go by pawing at the door. 

I never knew I could love the way I love Harper. She is absolutely precious to me. 

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