Friday, April 11, 2014

Goodness Gracious

I started this post with every intention of going off on how mean people make my heart hurt and how just because I'm nice it doesn't you can walk all over me. Instead of making it all about me, I am going to make this about you. Please remember to be kind. Try to share a smile with a stranger. Say hello. If you have a question, ask nicely. You never know what someone else is going through or has gone through. I am a firm believer in a little bit of kindness going a very long way. Happiness is an STD, socially transmitted disease, and it's highly contagious so spread it around.

Now that I am off my soap box I am happy to announce that the Wilson family is doing very well. Harper is growing fast and learning so much. Her favorite new thing is collecting sticks in the backyard. She has so many toys in the house already but every day she insists on adding a new stick she found while playing outside. I must admit that while she is not looking I toss the sticks out the door. I did however allow her to keep one. She is so loving and loyal. It's absolutely incredible that a little four legged creature can enter your world and fill it with so much love. She is doing a lot better with her separation anxiety and I am now able to leave her for about an hour to run errands. She still has some work to do on walking. She is pretty stubborn sometimes and just decides she wants to stop for no reason. We'll get there.

I leave for California in less than a week. Coachella weekend is finally here and I cant' wait to see my girlfriends and listen to some of my absolute favorite artists. I will also get to see my family which is much over due. My sister is very pregnant these days and I will finally get to see her growing belly. 

If you remember anything from this post please remember to be kind. You can't see me but I'm smiling at you. Is that creepy? I don't care. It's the right thing to do. Have a beautiful weekends my friends.