Sunday, February 23, 2014

Counting Stars

So much life has happened since my last post. Even as I was starting this post my husband broke his pinky toe and we had to make our way to urgent care. He was making a breakfast for us. He was so excited about his concoction that he ran over to tell me all about it. Let's just say Jim made it through the hallway but his little baby toe did not. It was sitting there quite perpendicular to the rest of his toes. If you are for some reason interested in what is looked like after some cleaning up click here. Jim kept apologizing for inconveniencing our Sunday morning. My husband is by far the most considerate person I have ever known. He is always making sure everyone else is being taken care of. He even apologized for not being able to drive because he knows I don't like to drive in the snow. I insisted that he stop apologizing and that I was sorry he had to go through this. He is an angel and a trooper and I love him. He doing alright now. He isn't in any pain and we'll be seeing an orthopedist later this week.

Last week I went to California. I was planning on blogging while I was there but I decided to just spend my time enjoying my family and friends. I'm still adjusting to being a blogger and figuring out my time management. I traveled to California for my sister's gender reveal party. She is having a girl!! It was a very nice party and there were lots of people to show them love. Since I was apart from Jim on Valentine's day I spent it with a lot friends. We had a fancy dinner at Chipotle and then went to see some friends in Dreamgirls at Center Stage. While in California, I also went to my friend Dom's going away party. He left to Japan for a whole year to sing and dance at Universal Studios Japan. He is ridiculously talented and I and so happy and so proud of him. It was nice to see so many of my favorite people but I was missing my husband very much so I was happy when it was time to go back to Illinois.

Jim picked me up from the train station with an adorable little stuffed unicorn and when I got to the car the dash was covered in cookies and candy. The plus side to being apart on Valentines is that my husband was able to raid the 50% off bin at the local grocery store. My belated Valentine's gifts had Jim Wilson written all over them and I wouldn't have it any other way. 

When I was in California I stumbled upon this hole in the wall clothing store and found this floral flowy blouse that just happened to be on sale for $4. I love flowy blouses. I love floral prints. I love collard shirts. It was a win-win-win. The jacket is an even bigger win. I bought it at T.J. Maxx for $10!! I looked it up and found the same exact jacket for $238. What?!! That is why I love love love T.J Maxx. You have to have the patience to look through things and scope out the finds but I think it's safe to say I NEVER leave empty handed.

Ooh and I wore my hair down which is kind of rare these days because I'm not a big fan of the length. I am however happy to say that I actually enjoyed it this day. It's a fun length. I have also decided to let the baby bangs grow out.

Peace, Love, & Happiness,

Pants: Express
Shoes: similar

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