Monday, January 27, 2014

Accidentally in Love

According to my mother, I have been cutting my own hair since the moment I first learned to use scissors. I took many a school picture with crooked bangs or a hair clip desperately trying to hide the tragedy. Well here I am a grown and married woman of 26 and I can tell you not a thing has changed. I got a lot better over the years and I leaned to cut my bangs longer than I want so I could edit them if needed. If you have ever seen me sporting fringe then there is a 98% chance they are of my own doing. So after all of these years and all of these lessons learned I decided to cut my bangs again. You see, I am currently trying to grow out my hair but being the fickle gal that I am, I needed some change and decided my bangs are safe to cut because that wouldn't affect my overall hair length. With all caution thrown to the wind, I chopped, oh man did I chop. My bangs were so short. I was horrified. You're probably wondering what happened to all of the lessons learned. Sadly, so was I. Jim was at work and wasn't expected for a few hours so I just stared blankly at my peach fuzz in the mirror. For a few moments I felt helpless but then one of the most iconic faces of all time came to mind, Audrey Hepburn. I am a firm believer in finding the good in everything. I know that if I find myself in a sticky, uncomfortable or sad situation there is always promise and opportunity somewhere to be found. I rushed to my computer to search Pinterest for images of Ms Hepburn. I was immediately inspired. I would never have had the courage to try such an extreme style on my own. Somehow this new do makes me feel strong, and brave, and most of all unique. Part of me thinks it's a bit silly to put so much thought into something as trivial as bangs but then I remind myself of my vow to see the good in ALL things. I'm not sure how long I will maintain this look but for now I'm loving it.

Jim and I finally headed over to the Champaign Public Library  to become members. Libraries always make me think of Sex and the City when Carrie Bradshaw decided to get married in the library because it's where all of the greatest love stories were housed. It's such a beautiful thought. I found myself in the biography section. I picked up a book about Audrey Hepburn and one on Amelia Earhart. After the Library we stopped at Am-Ko, a near by Asian market. Jim has been on a hunt for reasonably priced tofu. If you saw my latest Instagram post then you know he left no where near empty handed. We returned home and Jim made a delicious stir fry. After dinner, we snuggled up in the happiest of silences and each read from our respective books.

In the spirit of bravery, I decided to wear printed pants with a beautifully textured sweater. I found these pants while unpacking and realized I had never even worn them before. I love mixing prints and textures.

Blouse: TJ Maxx
Sweater: Pink Rose at Ross (similar)
Pants: Forever 21
Shoes: Madden Girl at TJ Maxx (similar)
Nail Polish: Forever 21

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