Monday, January 5, 2015

It Was A Very Good Year

I can't even believe it's been exactly one year since we moved to Illinois. This year our family resolution is to see more Midwest. I spent a lot of time last year flying back and forth to California. I am very glad I did but this year I really want to spend that time and money seeing things and places I have never seen before. We tried to get an early start on our resolution last month and took a trip to Springfield to see the capitol but everything was closed for the holidays. We had a good chuckle and stopped at Darcy's Pint to try their famous horseshoes. They were DELICIOUS!! We tried to go to Del's Popcorn for dessert but alas they were closed too. We'll try Springfield again in the spring. 

This weekend we headed over to Homer Lake Forest Preserve. It was snowing and I loved it. Harper had fun running around in her adorable red toddler vest that I got her from Goodwill. It was so wonderful to get out of the house and explore. We have so much to see! This is only the beginning.

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