Sunday, December 21, 2014

Into The Woods

This morning Jim and I took a little adventure over to what is becoming my favorite place in Champaign, Meadowbrook Park. It was very cold and very early but we were on a mission. Anyone who knows me will tell you I LOVE Instagram. I love sharing my life and exploring others through the art of photography. My latest obsession is the explore section. It used to be the popular page and I never really looked at at. Now it is the explore section where you can find like minded sharers. Anyway, I love Instagram. Every weekend they have a weekend hashtag project and I always want to participate but never do. This weekend however was finally my chance. The hashtag is all about fairytales. I adore fairytales. 

My wedding was loosely inspired by the show Once Upon A Time more specifically Snow White. My wedding dress was the perfect mixture of delicate lace and shredded tulle and I would wear it every day if it was socially acceptable. It has hung in a garment bag for almost 2 years now waiting for an opportunity like this. The fact that my dress even fit me felt like a Christmas miracle. I must give a big round of applause to my husband for these amazing photos and for being such a good sport and going along with my crazy ideas. Jim Wilson, I love you!

Here are some behind the scenes photos of how Harper dealt with so much dress.

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